Neck & Back Pain

It is due to various reasons. It may be acute or chronic. It may be associated with pain in the shoulder, pain in the hand and numbness and weakness in the hand. The origin of pain (could be due to muscles, nerve, ligaments, disc prolapse (or )spinal cord. )It may be aggravated (by) head or neck movements.

Common conditions associated are

  • Cervical Spondylosis
  • Cervical Disc Prolapse
  • Traumatic subluxation

It requires evaluation with X ray and MRI cervical spine. Depending upon the pathology the management would be decided upon. The management options range from conservative to surgical in unresponsive cases. It includes medications, analgesics, cervical collar and these may act as an aid to support the neck for surgery.

Surgical options are

  • Anterior cervical discectomy
  • Anterior cervical discectomy and fusion (ACDF) using titanium cage, PEEK cages
  • Foraminotomy
  • Corpectomy
  • Cervical laminectomy
  • Artificial disc replacement
  • Laminoplasty